KPC 100 Club
The Texas KPC 100 Club began in 1983 with the sole purpose of raising a perpetual endowment of $100,000 to award Charitable Grants and Religious Vocation Scholarships.
Knights and Ladies across the entire State were, and continue to be, encouraged to join the Texas KPC 100 Club with a one-time donation of $100. In 1998, the perpetual fund goal was attained and the vision became a reality. Since then, the interest from the endowment has been used to facilitate grants for Charity and Religious Vocations.
Applicants for the Charitable Grants and Religious Vocation Scholarships are required to complete their grant request by the December 1 deadline prior to the next Texas State Conference. A maximum of $10,000 can be requested for Charitable Grants with the final amount granted to be determined by the Texas KPC 100 Club Committee. A Religious Vocational Scholarship of $4,000 can be requested on a one-time basis. If approved, $1,000 per year will be distributed on behalf of the requestor for four years. To submit a request for a Charitable Grant or a Religious Vocation Scholarship Grant, submit one of the applicable following forms to:
E-mail to Lady Ollie Duplechain: ollie1938@att.net
or U.S. Mail to:
Lady Ollie Duplechain, Co-Chair Knight Mitchell Batiste, Co-Chair
TKPC 100 Club Committee TKPC 100 Club Committee, Co-Chair
9410 Dulcimer Street 11614 Summerwood Lane
Houston, Texas 77051 Houston, Texas 77013
To request a Grant, download one of the following grant forms and e-mail or send by US mail to one of the addresses above:
Currently, the Texas KPC 100 Club has over 1,200 members and is ALWAYS accepting new memberships. The goal is to ensure each Knight and Lady within the State of Texas, become a member so we can continue to perform the spiritual and corporal works of mercy in the name of our patron, St. Peter Claver.
To join or request additional memberships for the Texas KPC 100 Club, please download the following form and return it to Lady Ollie Duplechain at 9410 Dulcimer, Houston, TX 77051.